Today I got an email with some special offers from a marine store. As a keen sailor in the middle of sailing season, I was pleased to see a special offer on deck shoes. Nice copy, nice picture, good price. So I clicked on the link.
Thank you for contacting us. This is an automated response sent to you in order to confirm the receipt of your message. We will attend to your ticket as soon as possible. We've listed the details of the ticket you created below for your records. When replying, please keep the ticket's ID in the subject to ensure that your replies are tracked correctly.
Ticket ID: JEO-265217
Subject: Wrong pricing. Mens shoe shows as £52.99 not the advertised price.
Department: General Enquiries
Priority: Low
Status: Open
You can check the status of or reply to this ticket online at:
Please use the following credentials when accessing your account with us:
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxx
Kind Regards,
Marinestore Chandlers
The text of the email could be better, but they did give me a way to check the status of my complaint online.